COP26 update
Dear Provider
As COP26 gets closer, and the concerns about travel heighten with potential Scotrail action, we just want to encourage you to continue to do what you can to forward plan, and ensure that you keep up to date with the GRG website, listen to media communications during the conference, and make us aware of any issues that arise as soon as possible.
We wanted to draw your attention to some additional updates:
Link on Transport and Travel from NHSGGC that providers might find helpful in addition to the GRG website;
Internal HSCP checklist for managers is attached for providers to consider alongside their own BCP templates. There is no ‘right answer’ for a BCP and providers will all have their own format and elements to consider but in addition to the letter issued previously this new checklist might assist you in some way.
Arrangements for contacting social work out of hours remain the same.
Escalation processes have been agreed in respect of any issues that occur for people travelling to and from hospital by ambulance. For information; this will route from the Scottish Ambulance Service COP26 ‘cell’ via GCHSCP internal care at home service in the first instance, and then through the HSCP communication tree as required.
Providers should please continue to raise any concerns they have with link commissioning officers or with named SWs as appropriate.
Thanks in advance,
Disabilities Commissioning Team
HSCP COP26 Checklist for Managers